So we present you
After our website relaunch 2015: Fast navigation, WebApp (optimal display on mobile devices, such as tablets and smart phones), user-friendly interface
Our 2015 newly launched website is based on the technically and graphically latest requirements. This includes the implementation of the "Responsive Design", which allows an optimal view on mobile devices such as tablets and smart phones, as the site always adapts to the device. The clear structuring and user-friendly interface ensure quick and easy navigation.
With our new website and the associated WebApp the Holiday Bonus Card is on the move always available. Guests save the mobile version of the Bonus Card and the WebApp on your smartphone or tablet and can therefore on the go always all partners find thanks to the clear map and radius search. With another click, the guest can navigate directly to his desired Vorteilspartner and contact him.
With our advantage Dating customers have the ability to make all partner companies in the near vicinity of your resort locate. You can also limit the search by category.
This allows a fast and easy access to all partners of the Holiday Bonus Card throughout Europe. Home PC or mobile at all times!
Are you curious now and want to also join our Holiday Bonuscard Benefit program?
Then sign up to the same and take advantage of our offers. As a thank you for your confidence you naturally get the Holiday Bonus Card for you, your family and your employees receive.
Professional and clear presentation of our Vorteilspartner on the Holiday Bonus Card Website
If you decide to participate in our Holiday Bonuscard Benefit program, you will be presented as a partner professional on our website with your business and your Bonuscard Benefit. In consultation and to your liking a page is designed with logo and text and integrated on our website. Thus the guest can be immediately informed about your property and you offer Bonuscard Benefit and also, at the request (via the contact details and link to your homepage) equal in touch with you.
They are displayed with the basic data on the Bonus Card Map, and of course in the search for the appropriate partner lists, which can also be printed by clicking the same.
The further presentation of your company, the customer receives a single click on your base data.
We distinguish between two different power-on packages:
- PREMIUM: Ihr Eintrag wird in der Kartenansicht in Form eines Adressblocks und dem angebotenen Bonus dargestellt. Ihr Betrieb wird in der Partnerliste angezeigt und auch in der Druckfunktion für die Partnerlisten berücksichtigt. Weiters erhalten Sie einen individuellen Einzeleintrag in Form einer eigenen Unterseite. Diese Unterseite besteht aus Logo, Adresseintrag plus Ihrem Bonus, Headerbild und Slogan, Text, Bildergalerie und der Standortangabe in einer Google Maps Karte. Beispieldarstellung Premium >>
- PREMIUM PLUS: Als Basis erhalten Sie die gleichen Leistungen wie im Premium-Paket. Das Premium Plus Paket ist zusätzlich eine Erweiterung des Premium-Paketes. Somit kann Ihre individuelle Unterseite beliebig oft um einen weiteren Block bestehend aus Headerbild, Slogan und Text, sowie vier zusätzlichen Galeriefotos erweitert werden. Beispieldarstellung Premium Plus >>